Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's Confirmed....Canon is a Super Hero!

Photo by Kevin Still
When I was little I had a lot of little dramas I used to star in, little plays I made up in my head where I was a Russian Refugee running from the gestapo,  Nadia Comaneci scoring the first perfect ten on the uneven bars; and of course one where I was WONDER WOMAN! I am proud to report that I have retained one super power from my early years and my daughter has picked up right where I left off. Today I went in to see her and the cardiologist said, holy cow! She is really gaining weight! It's like you have super breast milk! She's 3 pounds 4 ounces today. I DO have super breast milk.....oh yeah....and God working miracles so our daughter can just rock this heart surgery right on out! Little Canon is just surprising us everyday and we are not the only ones! This angel faced little red head is gaining weight like a champ and we are so in love with her! 
I know God is powerful, He can do anything. When He works miracles for your child though it just feels really unbelievable! I just cannot wait to see who Canon will grow up to be and what kinds of things she will do! And don't you just love those little almond shaped eyes? So exotic! I'm getting to hold Canon for about 2 hours a day now. She's gaining weight and seems to be holding her body temp pretty well. She's been a little hot lately so no clothes yet but I am hoping to begin playing dress up immediately! I think she really loves her mommy time, skin to skin as they call it in the hospital but what I have been really amazed by is her connection with her daddy! My friend that's an audiologist told me yesterday that babies can actually hear their dads voices better in the womb because of how low they are. It is amazing how if she is crying or upset and Kevin starts to sing to her or talk to her she just stops and stares at him or calms right down. It is very heart warming, like my very own home made Hallmark Sunday Night Special. I love it! Every daddy should have a daughter that gets him wrapped around her little finger!
Photo by Kevin Still
Canon's First Little Booties
Photo By Kevin Still
Hand Modeling by Sarah Dykema

1 comment:

  1. Kevin will you be my Hand Modeling "Agent"? :) Just in love with this little one! I can't wait to get her on her first horse;)
