Thursday, June 7, 2012

Could Someone Please Switch the Light at the End of the Tunnel to ON?

Photo by Kevin Still

It's official! I have successfully completed 3 weeks of what I have now learned will be my 7 week hospital stay! With the support, love and decorations of family and friends I have not only survived but thrived in this little room of anticipation! Ok....thrived may be going a little overboard but I have only had a couple of meltdowns and thanks to the many visits from my dear friends and family I am only slightly worse for the wear! My room is all decorated up with cute little onsies, flowers, weird little colored paper mache balls, cards, a 3D picture of our baby and finished off with a cute little tree applique on my bathroom door. My bathroom even has a laundry hamper and some meadow scented soap thanks to my friend Martha Stewart and her apprentice June Cleaver. I have been especially impressed with our friends dedication to visiting this little slice of paradise, also known as room 1114. When you're on the "outside" as I now like to call it, time goes so fast and I think if I were on the other side of this hospital stay it would be so easy to let a week or two slip by and feel like it was only a snapshot; however I can assure you, as the one on the "inside" wearing pajamas all day and eating salad that CLEARLY came out of a Jolly Green Giants bag, one or two weeks may as well be a decade and I will be eternally grateful to those that have consistently gone out of their way to visit me and lift my spirits daily!! One can only watch so much Netflix and read so many books.

In other news, it sounds like our little one will be arriving via C-Section sometime within the next 3-4 weeks! The doctor has not given us an exact date yet but now that the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel has been switched on, my mood has improved significantly!

I promised some pics of the AMAZING baby shower my friends and family threw for me in May. It was EPIC if I do say so myself! I have to admit I feel a bit frightened for the day when any of these lovely ladies gets pregnant and I have to do the showering because I am not nearly as creative as they were! It was an amazingly beautiful day and I couldn't have asked for better company! Thanks to Sarah, Shelly, Kim, Amy, Sarah M and Mom for welcoming my daughter in such style!! 
Shelly, Kim, Joni and Sarah
Photo by Tangled Joy Photography

Photos by Tangled Joy Photography


  1. I have to say that I was amazed to find you in good spirit. I was expecting a woman in bed and not too happy. Your room is as you described it, very happy and surrounded by the love everyone has given you. Keep on strong soldier!

  2. Joni, you are a beautiful, strong woman, and an amazing mother! I am so proud of you! Since you wrote this, Canon has arrived. In spite of all the difficulty encountered in Canon's journey, you have chosen to remain continually grateful and positive, and Canon has come into this world with all the benefits of being your daughter....all rich and wonderful. May God continue to lift you up with great hope, encouragement, peace and
    I love you!
